
Your honour,

This is the first chapter from Saskia Miller's draft novel which I feel is relevant to your understanding of Mr Tim Miller and what has occurred. It details his first night in India and is a clear sign of his failing mental health. As I mentioned previously, we have no way of knowing how related this fictitious character Jeremy Gould is to Mr Miller. However, the similarities are staggering and surely not coincidental.

I must warn you that from this chapter onwards the content of Saskia's fiction takes a turn for the nasty and grotesque. If at any point you feel that it is too much to bear and you wish to receive no more news, please let me know. I understand fully that the sort of evidence I am sending you at the moment would not be admissible in court and I appreciate your lassitude in accepting and reading it.


Vikram Chowdury
Attachment: draft-novel-24-03-2008.pdf

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