
Your honour,

Myself and my colleagues were planning on withholding the rest of this transcript from you until at least a month from now. Surely we must have whetted your curiosity?

This second and final part of the transcript takes on a fantastical tone that makes Saskia's draft novel seem like a journalist's report. What are we to make of it? Mad ramblings of a man driven over the edge by constant estrangement from friends, family and country? Simple, but dire, consequences of substance abuse? Or is there an actual biological and physiological reason for the Indian caste system, with the bottom-feeders displaying anomalies of body as well as mind to go with their other debasement?

What is your opinion, your honour? Formulate the reply carefully in your mind, for it will condition the reading of the text which is attached to this email.

Yours ... fantastically,

Vikram Chowdury

Attachment: transcripts-16-06-2008.pdf

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