
Your honour,

My reservoir of evidence has run dry. I am now wringing the very last drops of information - it is not much, but it is what I have.

These are drawings done by Daniel Miller, Tim and Saskia's son. I have selected the ones I found to be most relevant to this case. Their interpretation is not one hundred percent straightforward, nor do they show explicitly what was going on in the Miller household and in his parents' lives. Still, they do provide some interesting clues.

Together with each drawing is Danny's explanation of what it means. It is in essence a dialogue between myself and Danny, using the drawings as a record of his memories and unconscious feelings. I tried not to be too penetrating with my questions due to the child's mental fragility at this time, but, as usual, obtaining the truth was the ultimate goal.

Yours graphically,

Vikram Chowdury

Attachment: drawings-26-10-2008.pdf

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