
Your honour,

After all this time, I feel it is my duty to apologise for the multiplicity of formats I have used to state my case. As you know, this choice was out of my control. I do my best to be just a conduit through which the information arrives at your honour's possession. The only editing I do, if it can be called that, is to filter the data chronologically. This is only to make it easier to understand and to establish a clear psychological timeline and progression for the acts we are referring.

Regarding this email's attachments, they are, once again, in a new format.

Upon Tim's arrival in London after the Indian follies, he was hard-pressed for cash. Bank accounts blocked, credit cards cancelled and no one to turn to for credit. The only money he had, if it could be called that, was on his prepaid UK mobile phone. Creatively, he spent his time travelling through London remembering older (and happier) times, while taking pictures which he sent to Saskia along with some text.

I have compiled these picture/text messages in two thematically-related batches, the first of which I am sending along with this email. It is clear that Tim was stalking Saskia at this point, although his intentions were not clear.

Yours pictorially,

Vikram Chowdury

Attachment: mms-06-10-2008.pdf

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