
Your honour,

I have attached the rest of the video transcript to this message.

While we can safely assume that this 'Hrishi' is the same driver who appears in the draft novel as 'Harshad', without a last name he is impossible to track. Even with that last name, it might still prove a fruitless task, as there are many Indian citizens with no records to speak of.

It is my strong and utmost belief that this thread is beginning to unravel in a way that clearly delineates Mr Miller's dealings while in India. They are not a thing of beauty. Myself, I have travelled on the same streets and dealt with the same people Mr Miller has, yet have always managed to stay clear of trouble. But perhaps that is exactly what draws us to this case.

Yours to the utmost,

Vikram Chowdury

Attachment: video-transcript-17-05-2008.pdf

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